About Richele

Richele Jackson and her two daughters, Iviana and Jasha currently share a two-bedroom apartment in a Philadelphia subsidized housing high-rise. While completing her 350 sweat equity hours that will be her down payment on her Habitat Home, she has held two jobs and often contends with a leaking ceiling and 12 flights of stairs when the building elevator is broken. With your help, Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia will complete her house. She'll pay a zero interest mortgage. The money generated from her payments and the 140 other Habitat families in Philadelphia empowers Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia to build more affordable homes.


thanks to Barbara of KLG/Jade New Media & Marketing, LLC!


You can help Richele achieve her goal of home ownership. On my trip I'll cross around 3000 miles of the US. By pledging dollars or cents per mile, by the time I jump into the Pacific Ocean, Richele could be jumping for joy. All donations should be made directly to Habitat for Humanity in Philadelphia and are tax deductible.


$1000 washer and dryer...
$2500 furnace...
$4500 kitchen cabinets and countertops...
$7500 bamboo floors...
$13000 completes the house!


Friday, July 31, 2009

cuL8erNYC 7/31/2009

Early start to a busy and fun day. Bolted up to long island on wed to drop some more stuff at my parents and spend time with friends and family. Got to see the aunts and uncle and grandparents: Rebecca, Margie, Howie, Bobby, Ed and Eleanor. It was clear the were concerned for my safety, but they were also so supportive. It was really great to get to spend some time with them.

I've also managed to get together a rough itinerary of the first leg of the trip; check out the map on the side bar. I feel that the schedule is very achieveable... Let me know what you think. Once I get near the end I'll link in to the Adventure Cycling TransAm route. Check out there site to see what it looks like. It cut across the center of the country VA to CO and then heads nw for Oregon. Hopefully Katie in VA, Olivia and the Dinosaur anarchists in KY, Darya in KS and whoever else is left in CO will be in and willing to let a stinky-grimey jac dirty-up their showers.

Taking advantage of the bus ride to catch some zzz's..

Long day of bike prep. Bags and rack and fenders all set. Bike still makintg untraceable squeel. Meeting jen here at logan circle for a swim. I hear you haven't lived in phila until you've played in the fountain.

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