About Richele

Richele Jackson and her two daughters, Iviana and Jasha currently share a two-bedroom apartment in a Philadelphia subsidized housing high-rise. While completing her 350 sweat equity hours that will be her down payment on her Habitat Home, she has held two jobs and often contends with a leaking ceiling and 12 flights of stairs when the building elevator is broken. With your help, Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia will complete her house. She'll pay a zero interest mortgage. The money generated from her payments and the 140 other Habitat families in Philadelphia empowers Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia to build more affordable homes.


thanks to Barbara of KLG/Jade New Media & Marketing, LLC!


You can help Richele achieve her goal of home ownership. On my trip I'll cross around 3000 miles of the US. By pledging dollars or cents per mile, by the time I jump into the Pacific Ocean, Richele could be jumping for joy. All donations should be made directly to Habitat for Humanity in Philadelphia and are tax deductible.


$1000 washer and dryer...
$2500 furnace...
$4500 kitchen cabinets and countertops...
$7500 bamboo floors...
$13000 completes the house!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a family!

Lexington, rolled up to Olivia's house. She had asked if I'd need help procuring transport... this time I around I didn't! It was great spending time with her and her family and friends - all great hosts. Her mom helped me pack in calories for later use, her dad pulled strings and got my bike checked out in a snap and friends Michael and Patrick treated us to a great horseback riding adventure (for me at least). Horses are so cool. Like a very independently minded pet that if you develop a good relationship with, can also be your transport. My horse friend, Moonlight(?), really wanted to book. I did not. She cooperated, but I felt a little bad that we couldn't just tear-it-up.
The incredible part: Olivia did all this entertaining while preping for her 1st day of college! What a burden, but thanks, so much fun.

It felt like an important stop too. I met Olivia's aunt Susan several months ago. She was so supportive with this bike idea and even sent a package of essential enabling gear.

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Along the way to Lexington from Berea I met a fellow biker who guided me in all the way to the street I was looking for. We rode together for maybe 20mile. Everytime I get the chance to ride with someone I'm so grateful. All the climbs just dissapear amongst the chat. Yesterday I met Sam, biking east, his parents were joining him for a short leg. One would bike, the other would drive all the gear, then trade. It seemed like it could be a good break. They shared with me so much food! I also spent some time with Bernie who treated me to a sandwich and I wished me lots of luck. I hope I can catch Jon and James (they are almost two days ahead of me since I detoured). But maybe someone else will catch me!

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huray a K

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Big Buckhorn Country Music Festival

At a country music festival outside Buckhorn, KY. Hitched a ride in from a pickup, entry was free. Camping here too. the big group really made me feel alone. Not lonely, but the good kind of alone. (likely) alone in: biking here, being unknown to everyone here, being from out of town, writing thoughts down right NOW.

There are frequent helicopters coming and going. I witnessed one carrying away a heartattack victim receiving vigorous chest compressions. A boy was evacuated by ambulance after a car hit him... Everyone is flying around in their trucks, 4x4s and off-road golf cart contraptions. I'd caught the ride b/c the roads just didn't seem safe, but even my tent is surrounded by buzzing engines. I've got bike reflectors strategically placed around my tent. The helicopters even seem more wreckless. Flying towards crowds as they ascend... Possibly alone in thinking, "I sure hope that thing don't fall on me."

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